A Healing Journey


It all began with container of green beans and the yearning to nurture life. When our youngest child was just one year old, we were expecting our third child and lost him 18 weeks into the pregnancy. It was a truly sad time. I found myself in a depression and didn’t want to go anywhere. When I did go out, it was only as far as our own backyard. It was important to me to spend quality time with our children outside, but in private. I always thought I would be a homeschool mom (although I am not) and wanted our kids to learn about how plants grow and where food comes from. I also had an eyesore of a shed that I wanted to cover with greenery. So, I DIY’d our first planter and watched their sweet curiosity as they planted our first seeds, green beans. Seeing their excitement grow right along with our seedlings was so rewarding. Quite frankly, it was therapeutic to watch new life grow. After what we had been through, the ability to nurture and foster life was healing. The children were the ones who planted the seeds, watered them and eventually harvested those beans. And yes, they were thrilled. But I, was hooked! The benefit for me went far beyond gardening and into the spiritual. I COULD make new life grow after all. In fact, I turned these once black thumbs into green thumbs. I never believed I could successfully garden. But I did it; we did it, together as a family. I was smiling again. I became a better mom in the process.

The next plants we grew were cucumbers and zucchini in wine barrels. Then onto our first raised bed which we grew using the square foot garden method. Soon after, we built trellises and a garden arch. Next was our chicken coop, chickens and chicken run. I once heard someone say that chickens are the gateway to bees. And boy was that true. In any case, each of these endeavors brought much joy and I found myself spending endless hours researching all the ways to do a particular thing until diving fully into whatever it was. It started as an escape and somewhat of an experiement. Now, it has become a lifestyle and I love it. I always knew I’d be a wife and a mother. But I never would have thought I’d have a homestead in the city complete with chickens, ducks, bees, cat, dog, a bunny and goats in sight. But here we are. It has been a rewarding and healing experience. 🍃