About Me


Hi there! Thank you for taking an interest in my little corner of the universe. This is truly a labor of love. I affectionately refer to my garden, my family, our creatures and critters as Sow LA. Here in cyberspace it comes to life a second time. It is my passion. I hope you find it helpful and fun.

I am a born and raised Los Angelino. I have had a variety of professions including a career as an actor and toured the world as a middle eastern folk/bellydancer. I’ve worked with top recording artists and even appeared on some daytime and nightime talk shows. I am a wife, a mother of two and a homestead enthusiast. I can usually be found in the garden up to my elbows in compost, enjoying some fresh picked something-or-other, observing our bees and likely talking to a chicken! We live in a Los Angeles neighborhood with a typical sized backyard and day by day inch closer and closer to an urban farm life. Initially, our homestead was born out of a desire to teach our children where food comes from and to be a little self sufficient. But soon, it became a passion and at times a full-on obsession, especially when discovering something rare and unique to grow. One planter became two, two became ten, and so on. This grew into what now is an urban farm, a homestead in the city. And although not exactly off-grid or even entirely sustainable, we are experiencing a sliver of what life on a farm could be.

I’ve been Inspired by many and continue to learn from others on a regular basis. I love to seek out inspiration from individuals in person and in cyberspace. Many, without ever knowing it, mentored me. That is my inspiration for this blog. My passion continues to grow as I create my own urban oasis. Here, I hope to chronicle some of what I’ve learned and what I continue to discover. Maybe you’ll gather some interesting facts about composting, maybe you’ll fall in love with honeybees and host your own backyard hive or maybe you’ll just enjoy watching the fun. In either case I’m glad you’re here!

A Note About My Information

I don’t have any degrees in horticulture, farming and livestock, entomology or permaculture. I do, however, have a thirst for knowledge and pride myself on being an avid researcher. When I become interested in a topic I consume every thing I can that is related to it, then dive in and learn by actual doing. I lean toward the scientific and also learn from others in those fields. By no means am I an expert. I am a garden/chicken/homesteading/bee lady for the joy of it. I am always learning and appreciate any positive feedback or information you may have to share. I also know there are many ways to do any one thing and different strokes…I sure hope I can add some value, but at the end of the day I am simply sharing my journey. 🍃